Model your content

Now that we have Tina set up on our site, we're almost able to start editing some content. Before we can do that, we need to model our content within Tina Cloud.

The "Tina Graphql Gateway CLI" provides some tooling to help make this easy.


The CLI can be installed as a dev dependency in your project.

yarn add --dev tina-graphql-gateway-cli

Getting started

The simplest way to get started is to add a .tina/schema.ts file

mkdir .tina && touch .tina/schema.ts

This schema needs to include each of the fields that are in our \_posts files. In .tina/schema.ts, copy/paste the following:

import { defineSchema } from 'tina-graphql-gateway-cli'

export default defineSchema({
  collections: [
      label: 'Blog Posts',
      name: 'posts',
      path: '_posts',
      templates: [
          label: 'Post',
          name: 'post',
          fields: [
              type: 'text',
              label: 'Title',
              name: 'title',
              type: 'text',
              label: 'Excerpt',
              name: 'excerpt',
              type: 'text',
              label: 'Cover Image',
              name: 'coverImage',
              type: 'text',
              label: 'Date',
              name: 'date',
              type: 'group',
              label: 'Author',
              name: 'author',
              fields: [
                  type: 'text',
                  label: 'Name',
                  name: 'name',
                  type: 'text',
                  label: 'Picture',
                  name: 'picture',
              type: 'group',
              label: 'OG Image',
              name: 'ogImage',
              fields: [
                  type: 'text',
                  label: 'Url',
                  name: 'url',

You also need to add this field/value to each of Markdown file in "_posts":

_template: "post"

Now that we have defined a "post" model, and applied it to each of our posts.

The last step to setting up our content models is to "compile" our schema. Through the terminal, run:

yarn tina-gql schema:compile

Once that is successful, push your changes up to your GitHub repository This is an mandatory step, as the Tina Cloud content API reads this schema from your GitHub repository.

Last Edited: August 11, 2020