Screen Plugins

Screen Plugins allow you to render modal UI and handle various content editing needs. The purpose of these screens is to give a way to display information about the website that is not suited to inline or sidebar editing.

Example use cases may include:

  • User Management
  • CI build status
  • Website Metadata e.g. SEO
  • Layout Configuration such as Menus. For example, one might use a Screen Plugin to register a form to edit 'global site data'.


export interface ScreenPlugin<ExtraProps = {}> {
  __type: 'screen'
  name: string
  Component(props: ScreenComponentProps & ExtraProps): React.ReactElement
  Icon: any
  layout: 'fullscreen' | 'popup'

export interface ScreenComponentProps {
  close(): void
__typeThe name of the plugin. Always 'screen'.
nameThe text to be displayed in the form menu and at the top of the screen modal.
ComponentAn array of fields that populate a modal form. Field values can populate new file data.
IconA component to render in the form menu, next to the name.
layoutDetermines the modal layout. Defaults to popup.

Name, Icon, & Component

The ScreenPlugin has three main pieces: a name, an icon, and a React Component. The name and icon can be used to list the screen plugin in a menu.


When the user clicks on the menu item, it opens a screen in which the React Component is rendered. Think of a screen as an empty canvas, it provides the space to create an editing interface beyond the sidebar.


There are two potential modal layouts for a screen plugin: fullscreen and popup. You can choose to utilize either depending on the purpose of the screen.

full screen plugin popup screen plugin

Within the modal, the name & Component are rendered.



useScreenPlugin creates a screen and registers the plugin with the CMS. It accepts a screen options object and dependencies to watch. If the dependencies update, the screen will update.

useScreenPlugin(options: ScreenOptions, deps: DependencyList): void

Screen Options

export interface ScreenOptions<ExtraProps = {}> {
  name: string
  Component: React.FC<ExtraProps & ScreenComponentProps>
  Icon: any
  layout?: ScreenPlugin['layout']
  props?: ExtraProps

Creating a Screen Plugin

Creating a Screen Plugin with the useScreenPlugin hook involves three steps:

  1. Import the useScreenPlugin hook from tinacms
  2. Create a custom ScreenPlugin
  3. Register the screen plugin with useScreenPlugin


// 1. Import `useScreenPlugin`
import { useScreenPlugin } from 'tinacms'

// 2. Define the screen plugin
const ScreenPlugin = {
  name: 'Example Screen',
  Component() {
    return <h1>This is a screen!</h1>
  Icon: () => <span>🦙</span>,
  layout: 'popup'

export default function Page() {
  // 3. Register the plugin

  return (


useFormScreenPlugin creates and registers a new Screen Plugin that renders a form. This is a great place to put forms for content that doesn't belong on any particular page, for example with site metadata.

Tip: This hook creates what was previously called a Global Form.


import { useFormScreenPlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { useJsonForm } from 'next-tinacms-json'

function Layout(props) {
  // Create the form
  const [data, form] = useJsonForm(

  // Register it as a Screen with the CMS

  return <h1>{data.firstName}</h1>

You can also optionally pass an icon and a layout to useFormScreenPlugin. If these are not passed, then a default icon will be used, and the layout will be 'popup'.


import { useFormScreenPlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { useJsonForm } from 'next-tinacms-json'

function Layout(props) {
  // Create the form
  const [data, form] = useJsonForm(
  const icon = () => <span>🦙</span>
  const layout = 'fullscreen'

  // Register it as a Screen with the CMS
  useFormScreenPlugin(form, icon, layout)

  return <h1>{data.firstName}</h1>

Last Edited: April 13, 2021