Tina contains multiple tools and applications designed to improve collaboration between content writers and developers who work on web content. Under the umbrella of Tina, there are two main components:
Tina Cloud is a hosted service purpose built for integration with the TinaCMS Toolkit. Tina Cloud makes it possible for entire content teams to take advantage of a Git-based workflow, regardless of whether they write code or have GitHub accounts. Additionally, Tina Cloud exposes a GraphQL API for your site's file-based content, giving developers a more powerful interface for querying data and reconciling relationships.
Tina Cloud CLI - The Tina Cloud CLI can be used to set up your project with Tina Cloud configuration, and run a local version of the Tina Cloud content-api. The CLI gives developers the ability to shape and define their content ready for consumption.
Tina Cloud Client- The Tina Cloud Client allows you to easily retrieve, secure and edit your content using the content-api.
The TinaCMS Toolkit empowers developers to build a visual editing experience directly on their sites. By creating a custom editing experience with Tina instead of opting for a conventional CMS, developers can give their teams a contextual, intuitive editing experience without sacrificing code control.
Content Mangement - Tina's content management APIs are designed to give you an easy, flexible way to control how content is sourced, modified, and persisted.
User Interface - Tina's User Interface allows developers to dictate the way content is navigated and edited for content creators.
Extending Tina - Tina is open source giving you the ability to extend the functionality including: events, plugins, widgets.
Learn more about the TinaCMS toolkit
Our Guides section contains various step-by-step guides to show you how to use Tina. We believe guides are opportunities for learning, and we will introduce you you to certain APIs, configurations, or workflows and provide rudimentary examples for your reference.
Last Edited: July 27, 2021